777 Crown Pointe Blvd., Willow Park TX
WPBC Women's Conference
Saturday, April 26th
Come join us for our annual Women's Conference. You will not want to miss the Biblical teaching, fun, fellowship, give aways, our coffee shop and our "Market Place”. Sign up early to reserve your spot - this is a conference you don't want to miss!
Danielle serves the Lord with her husband, Peter, at New Life Baptist Church in Palmdale, CA. She is a ladies’ speaker and assists in the publications and teaching ministries of Lancaster Baptist Church and West Coast Baptist College. Danielle is a mom to two energetic boys and enjoys reading, traveling, living in southern California, and spending time with her family.
Jenilee was raised in Lubbock, Texas in a preacher’s home and was saved at the age of 15. As a teenager, she believed the Lord was leading her to bible college to prepare for the ministry. While at college, Jenilee met her husband Tyler. After getting married in 2006, the couple served in the youth and music ministry at Fellowship Baptist Church in Liberal, KS where Tyler now serves as the Lead Pastor. Jeni has been blessed with one son, Kevin. She loves being a wife and a mother. She also leads the ladies’ ministry and nursery ministry at Fellowship. As a pastor’s wife, she stays very busy with counseling appointments and a lot of other things “behind the scenes”. Jenilee loves the Word of God and enjoys any time she can share it with others.